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Global diet regimes .. the best 5 ways to lose weight

the best 5 ways to lose weight

 You can lose weight in a quick time by following a system of global dieting systems such as the keto diet and the vegetarian diet

There are many dieting regimens to lose weight that aim to obtain an ideal weight in a short time, which helps reduce appetite when eating while obtaining nutrients for the body.

Below we review with you the most important and best global dieting systems.

1-vegetarian diet regimen

You can follow a plant-based diet to lose weight by eating plant-based proteins and leafy green vegetables or eating plant-fed animal meat.

A study reported by WebMD indicated that people who eat a plant-based diet have a lower average mass index than people who eat animal products.

2-Flexible diet

It is a type of vegetarian diet where you can eat plant proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits while adhering to a low-calorie diet.

3-intermittent fasting:

One of the global dieting systems that are implemented through a plan based on abstaining from eating for a number of hours during the day or for specific days per week, and this system has many ways to implement it.

Where there is a 16:8 system where eating for only 8 hours during the day and abstaining from it for 16 hours, it can be applied for a number of days only during the week.

It is also possible to fast for 12 hours and eat food for the remaining 12 hours, which helps convert body fats into energy.

One of the methods used in intermittent fasting is fasting for a whole day, that is, for 24 hours, by abstaining from eating, and only liquids and water are allowed without sugar, but this has many harms and side effects on health.

Also, fasting can be followed day after day, while avoiding eating foods that have more than 500 calories the next day.

4-Paleo diet:

A healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, herbs, and nuts, in addition to natural oils such as olive oil, almond oil, and coconut oil, while avoiding whole grains and dairy.

It is considered one of the global diet regimens that are effective in losing weight, reducing the incidence of type 2 diabetes, and preventing cancer

5-Keto Diet:

It is one of the global dieting systems that have become popular in recent period, and the keto diet depends on eating fat while reducing the intake of carbohydrates, which helps to burn fat more inside the body, and this system does not depend on calculating calories.

You can eat healthy fats, such as those found in red meat, fish, eggs, and poultry, and eat leafy vegetables that are low in carbohydrates, such as spinach and cabbage. And abstain from rice, pasta, wheat, pastries, potatoes, sugars, processed juices, and soft drinks.

Global diet regimes .. the best 5 ways to lose weight

Atkins diet

It is one of the effective types of diet that depend on eating protein and fats while staying away from eating foods that contain carbohydrates, which stimulates the body to burn fat and this, in turn, leads to a feeling of satiety for long periods, and it also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and also the percentage of fat and control Insulin rate

Atkins diet stages

Preliminary stage

It is the first stage in which only 20 grams of carbohydrates are eaten on a daily basis and must be from vegetables such as cauliflower, cucumber or broccoli, and the daily calorie intake, which is derived from carbohydrate intake, must be reduced by no more than 10% only.

At this stage, you should completely avoid eating types of foods such as pasta and bread, starchy vegetables such as potatoes and potatoes, grains such as rice, and all dairy products. You should also not eat nuts and some types of vegetables, including beans, and also not drink caffeinated drinks.

Daily intake of protein and fats, which are found in foods such as fish, red meat, chicken, and butter, with care to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

The second phase

It is the stage in which continuous weight loss is achieved by continuing to eat at least 15 grams of carbohydrates found in vegetables only, and gradually increasing the amount of vegetables with some types of whole grains, nuts, and seeds, while avoiding eating foods containing added sugars. At this stage, 4 kg of weight should be lost.

third level

Some types of foods are continued to be added, including starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and 10 grams of carbohydrates can be added to the diet during the week, and work to reduce this amount if you notice that weight loss has stopped.

The fourth stage

It is the final stage in which the required weight can be reached while continuing the previous steps and monitoring weight loss or its stability with a specific amount of carbohydrates that you will always continue to eat after that.

Atkins Diet Disadvantages:

“Medical News Today” mentioned many of the damages caused by the Atkins diet to those who follow it, as follows:

  • Not eating dietary fiber may lead to digestive problems, including constipation.
  • The incidence of bad breath and this is because the Atkins system relies on fat as a primary source of energy, which causes the production of ketones, which have a role in bad breath.

  • Feeling tired, constant headache, and fainting, and this is the result of the shift in the type of energy source in the body from carbohydrates to fats.
  • Excessive intake of fats, especially in the first phase of the Atkins diet, may cause some damage to the heart, as following this system in the long term may cause heart diseases and atherosclerosis, causing complications, including clots

A perfect diet to cleanse the body of toxins in a week

You can follow a diet that helps to get rid of toxins in the body for a week, and you should daily in the morning before having breakfast drink a large glass of warm water, to which two teaspoons of lemon juice are added, and do any kind of light exercise, and then have breakfast.

Also, care should be taken to drink a lot of water during the day and some snacks between the main meals, which are fruits or vegetables or a type of sugar-free juice.

First day

Breakfast: You should have a glass of fresh vegetable juice such as carrot juice, mint, or spinach, and to get the best benefit from the juice, you can add a tablespoon of chia seeds to add fiber to it, which helps boost energy.

Lunch: Eat a meal of sauteed steamed vegetables with a piece of grilled chicken without fat.

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Dinner: Eat a cup of yogurt with chia seeds added with fruit.

the second day

Breakfast: Egg omelet with green peppers, tomatoes, and onions with a banana.

Lunch: grilled fish with a plate of zucchini and baked potatoes.

Dinner: Vegetable soup with chickpeas and cabbage salad.

the third day

Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal with nuts, berries, and cinnamon

Lunch: a piece of grilled meat with cabbage salad

Dinner: You can have a plate of lentil soup

the fourth day

Breakfast: an omelet with a piece of fruit.

Lunch: Stuffed peppers cooked in olive oil with one quinoa.

What is the water diet to lose weight?

Dinner: grilled chicken with a plate of vegetable salad without tomatoes.

The fifth day

Breakfast: an omelet with cheese, a plate of cabbage salad, and a piece of fruit.

Lunch: grilled chicken breasts with a bowl of vegetable soup.

Dinner: Yogurt with chia seeds and a piece of fruit.

the sixth day

Breakfast: a boiled egg, an avocado, toast, and a cup of green tea.

Lunch: grilled fish with a green salad and grilled potatoes.

Dinner: vegetable and lentil soup, with a plate of watercress and pepper salad, and you can add sunflower seeds to it.

the seventh day

Breakfast: an omelet with a slice of brown toast, and a glass of vegetable juice.

Lunch: a slice of grilled lamb, a plate of lentil soup, and a cabbage salad.

Dinner: grilled chicken breast with avocado salad.

Global diet regimes .. the best 5 ways to lose weight


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