how can I start a healthy lifestyle?
Healthy habits can be defined as any action taken by a person that benefits them physically, mentally, and emotionally, helps a person feel comfortable and in general good health, and healthy habits, in general, are healthy eating, sports activities, and avoiding bad and harmful habits. . A healthy living may require sacrifices from a person, but its results remain for a long period of his life. Health can be divided into several types, such as spiritual health, emotional health, and physical health.
Tips for Healthy Eating
a healthy diet, it is possible to maintain the integrity of the body and its energy levels, and it does not necessarily mean that eating healthy foods leads to a loss of satisfaction. of food, or the person will need more time to prepare it, so there are many meals. getting a healthy diet is as follows:
- Meals contain vegetables, grains, fruits, and dairy products.
- A bit fat. Eat three separate meals a day.
- Eat fish, chicken, eggs, lean meats, beans, and nuts.
- Avoid consuming enhanced carbonated drinks and juices as they contain high amounts of sugar and it should be noted to try to avoid sugar-free carbonated drinks due to their palatable effect.
- Eat foods that contain small amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sugar, and table salt.
- Avoid eating large meals before bed to avoid excessive weight gain and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- Avoid rewarding children with sweets and sugary foods.
- Avoid eating large meals in the summer, especially in hot weather.
- Avoid eating the raw or undercooked meat.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly and with potable water.
Physical activity
- Regular exercise, for its effects in preventing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, and exercises with weights are also practiced. To strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
- Regular exercise can help people with arthritis improve their ability to perform certain daily activities, such as driving and climbing stairs.
- Exercise can improve mood and self-confidence, as well as relieve stress and anxiety.
- Get moderate exercise for thirty minutes a day, at least three to five days a week, and your training hours can be broken up into separate times on the same day.
- It is recommended to start training gradually to avoid sports injuries, soreness, and fatigue.
- Exercising while exercising can cause pain and fatigue, and if you experience pain, you should stop exercising to determine the source of the pain.
relaxation and methods

Relaxation techniques can relieve the symptoms of stress and help you enjoy a better quality of life, especially if you are sick. Explore relaxation techniques you can do yourself.
Relaxation techniques are a good way to deal with stress. Relaxation is not only clarity and pleasure from a hobby. Relaxation is a process that reduces the effects of stress on the mind and body. Relaxation techniques can help you deal with everyday stress and stress associated with various health conditions such as cancer and pain.
If you have lost control of your stress or have managed to calm down, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. The basics of relaxation techniques are easy to learn. In addition, relaxation techniques are often free or inexpensive, involve little risk, and can be practiced anywhere.
Check out these simple ways to unwind, prepare for life's stresses and improve your health
When you are faced with many responsibilities, tasks, or demands of illness, relaxation techniques in your life can be neglected. But that means you lose out on the health benefits of relaxation.
Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce symptoms of stress:
- slow heartbeat
- lowering blood pressure
- slowed breathing rate
- Decreased activity of stress hormones
- Increase blood flow to core muscles
- Reduces muscle tension and chronic pain
- Improve focus and mood
- relieve fatigue
- Reduce anger and frustration
- Increase confidence in problem-solving
drink the water
Water makes up 60% of the body and its distribution rates are as follows: 73% in the heart and brain, 83% in the lungs, 64% in the skin, 79% in the kidneys and muscles, and 3% in the bones, The human body needs certain amounts of water per day, depending on age and gender, so a man's body needs about 3 liters and a woman's about 2.2 liters.
Improve oral health
- It dilutes saliva and mucus.
- It maintains oral hygiene.
- It reduces the possibility of rotting.
- Protects the brain and spinal cord
One of the benefits of drinking plenty of water is that it keeps the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive cells from dehydration, keeping them hydrated:
- It contributes to the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
- It helps to increase concentration, it has been found that lack of water negatively affects concentration, attention, and memory.
- It improves mood and reduces stress.
Regulates body temperature
Supports the functioning of the digestive system
- It reduces the possibility of constipation.
- It helps speed up the digestion of food.
- It helps dissolve minerals, vitamins, and nutrients.
Protects kidney health
- It increases diuresis, thus purifying the body of water-soluble wastes and toxins.
- It reduces the formation of kidney stones (kidney stones).
Contributes to weight loss
- Water suppresses appetite, so drinking water before meals or when you don't feel full fills your stomach, thus sending your brain to stop eating.
- It helps to burn fat. It was determined that those who drank cold water and room temperature water burned 2-3% more fat within 90 minutes than those who did not drink water.
Softens the joints
Keep Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it interrupts the period of fasting at night until the next morning, but if one wakes up without feeling hungry, it may be best to postpone breakfast, but be careful. Since the importance and preference of breakfast vary from person to person, it is recommended to pay attention to the signs of hunger in the morning to see how important breakfast is to a person.
Control blood sugar levels: Eating breakfast helps to stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day, whether a person has diabetes or not, and can help people who do not have high blood sugar reduce the risk of insulin resistance.
Spices and herbs
Spices and herbs have been widely used since ancient times and their medicinal properties have been verified even before they are used in cooking. Modern science has shown the many benefits of natural herbs along with their health benefits, uses, and benefits. The health benefits will be recognized
Eat dark chocolate

According to Matt Hartgens, assistant professor of chemistry at American University, the slight bitterness of dark chocolate is the result of the process of processing and roasting cocoa, which produces flavanols, the substances responsible for this bitterness.
Dark chocolate contains more "flavanols" than milk chocolate, while white chocolate does not, allowing manufacturers to process dark chocolate to remove some of the beneficial compounds.
The report states that dark chocolate is rich in cocoa, which lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves cognitive function, and reduces the incidence of diabetes.
Despite the bitterness of the flavonols, this is a much healthier option due to cocoa-rich minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, as well as its low sugar content.
One ounce of dark chocolate contains 150 calories, so it is recommended to eat dark chocolate after meals
How to live a healthy life, physically and mentally
You listen to me, in order to live a harmonious and harmonious life, physically and psychologically, without problems, you must follow these ideas that have been proven by sociology and many studies and research throughout history and experiences.
physical health
- Take care of your body hygiene
- Wash and shower at least once a week
- Doing any sport
- healthy food
- Avoid smoking and all kinds of alcohol and hallucinogens
- Avoid strenuous work that harms the body
- Living in a clean environment
Psychological health
- Worship, getting closer to God, makes you a psychologically comfortable person
- Stay away from everything that exhausts your thinking and hinders yourself in overcoming adversity from singing Magen, especially if you are in a psychological state that is not good
- Traveling, enjoying time and visiting tourist places
- Meditation and yoga
- Learn patience to overcome problems, there are things that can be solved except in patience
- Going to bed early and getting up early is comforting
- Get closer to parents and family to share your joys
- Raising a pet and taking care of it
- Sharing with young children their thoughts, may God be with them
These were the most prominent factors that helped in achieving both mental and physical health, which have a positive relationship, as one affects the other and it is not possible to live with one without the other, so keep them together to be a happier and upright person and the society sees it beautiful
finallyLiving in a healthy way makes you avoid many diseases and a healthy life cannot be achieved overnight, but you must strive and resist yourself and follow all healthy healthy methods to get envy free from diseases and a mind rich in creativity and ideas