5 Exercises That Keep Your Brain Active And Help Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

The benefit of exercise for the mind is that it has a profound positive effect on depression, anxiety, and ADHD, as well as relieving stress, improving memory, helping to better sleep, and general improvement in mood. And a new study shows exercise is good for health because it increases levels of a protein known to strengthen communication between synapses between brain cells and may be an important factor in the fight against dementia.
Research shows that exercise can make a difference. Regardless of your age and fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to improve your well-being.
In general, playing sports helps a person feel relaxed and carefree, and also helps prevent many diseases. It also activates the brain. Research conducted over the years has shown that exercise has a positive effect on the development of cognitive abilities. Here are 5 exercises that will strengthen your cognitive and cognitive skills:
Avoid dementia by exercising

“Synapses are important communication junctions between neurons where the magic happens when it comes to cognitive cognition,” said study author Caitlin Casalito and Caitlin Casalito, assistant professor of neuroscience at the University Center for Memory and Aging in San Francisco, California.
“All of our thoughts and memories are created by these communication synapses,” he added.
Preliminary studies have shown that physical movement can reduce the risk of dementia by 30 to 80 percent, and Casalito explained, "But we still don't understand how this happens biologically in humans."
“We have shown for the first time in humans that synaptic function may be the way that physical activity improves brain health,” he added, adding that the study could show a link between the two. equation of cause and effect
How does exercise affect the mind?

Exercise triggers the release of certain chemicals called neurotransmitters in the nervous system, and some of these neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and dopamine, can improve mental health and happiness. Exercise also affects the levels of other brain chemicals, including stress hormones.
The Top 5 Exercise to Keep Your Brain Active to Avoid Dementia

1-Running: Running long or medium distances strengthens your cognitive skills. A study by scientists showed a correlation between the emergence of new neurons and stroke. If you are about to take a test, all you need to do to improve your cognitive skills is to practice running. Running, like any other sport, helps resist disease and strengthens the body's immunity to resist disease in general, which is what makes the body strong and healthy.
2-Jumping Rope Exercises: Jumping rope helps you lose weight with proper nutrition, and this sport has a positive effect on brain function.
3-Shadow boxing exercises: you can practice this sport by imagining and animating, that is, imagining your opponent in a real fight, and this sport teaches you to focus and activate your brain at the highest level.
4-Do different sports movements: if you want to increase the power of your brain and get a strong reaction, it is enough to do several sports movements in intermittent periods.
5-Weight Lifting: When you feel stronger physically, you usually feel stronger mentally as well. This is the ability to lift weights, perseverance, and the ability to overcome difficulties and challenge yourself. This sport helps stimulate the brain and allows it to focus more on various tasks. It is not recommended to perform these exercises more than once a week as they can create tension.