How to be elegant and attractiveAdvertisment
Elegance and attractiveness
People often ask, "How can I look stylish and elegant every day?" The answer is that it's not just about the clothes you wear. You also need to be aware of how you carry yourself, how others perceive your aura, whether you are confident and whether you feel good or not, and whether these feelings come from outside. In other words, elegance is as much a state of mind as anything else. To help drive this point home, here are ten tips for looking smarter and more elegant every day.

How to be elegant and attractive:
There are many things and steps that can be followed to make the personality elegant, attractive, and attractive to everyone, and the most important of these points are the following:
1- Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back And Be Confident:
Posture gives you an elegant appearance as it reflects a balanced and self-confident image. Send the message that you are someone who takes care of yourself and takes responsibility seriously. When you have good posture, it shows that you are in control and that you are not afraid to stand up for yourself. This is a sign of strength and determination.
On the other hand, bad posture makes you look lax and unprofessional. Send the message that you don't care about your looks or your career. Poor posture can also be a sign of stress or a lack of confidence. So, if you want to project an image of grace and calm, make sure to keep your spine straight and your shoulders high and back.
Maintaining good posture also has health benefits, such as better circulation, better breathing, and less back pain. So you will not only look better but also feel better!
If it's not straight, there are a few things you can do to correct your posture. First, try to be aware of your posture throughout the day and adjust accordingly. If you sit at a desk all day, make sure you sit upright with your shoulders back and spine straight. You can also use a lumbar support pillow to maintain good posture while sitting.
While standing, try to distribute your weight evenly between both feet and bend your pelvis slightly. Avoid staying in one position for too long and be sure to move regularly and stretch your muscles. The key is to be aware of your posture, so pay attention to your form throughout the day.
2-He has a sense of humor:
"He makes me laugh" is one reason women often say they find their partner attractive. It has been scientifically proven that men's sense of humor attracts women's attention. Dr. "But other research has shown that only women consider a funnier man to be more attractive. Women's attractiveness is less influenced by how funny they are." This means that women want men to make them laugh, but men want women to laugh at their jokes. "Some have argued that women's particularly pronounced attraction to the funniest men is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history," Beall says. "Producing humor requires inherited cognitive abilities such as intelligence and creativity, so mating with someone funnier may provide direct genetic benefits to potential offspring." Since women are evolutionarily the primary caregivers of young people, they may be particularly interested in having children with good genes. Find out the secrets matchmakers won't tell you for free.
3-dress according to your age and size; Grey, black and brown are always elegant classics.
Dressing for your age is important not only because it looks better, but also because it can be a sign of respect. For example, if you are over 60, you may not want to wear miniskirts.
There are clothes suitable for all age groups. For example, younger people may want to wear bright colors and whimsical patterns, while older people may want to stick to softer tones and classic patterns.
However, there is always room for an appropriate amount of personal expression. So feel free to add your own unique touch to the style you choose. As long as you respect yourself and look neat and tidy, you will always radiate elegance.
The best way to dress for your age is to wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. It is also important to choose patterns and colors that suit your personality.
4-Behave tactfully and politely:
to stay away permanently from negative behaviors from the secrets of attractiveness in the personality, so you should always pay attention to any behavior before it is issued, and not put yourself in embarrassing situations that may give a negative idea about the person, and it is always beautiful and interesting to strive to learn new things; Because this thing may develop more personality and increase attractiveness, as well as maintaining daily exercise among the actions and behaviors that show the extent of elegance and attractiveness in a person, in addition to giving thanks and gratitude in situations that require it, because this reflects and shows the extent of attractiveness and elegance of the essence of the human being. And from outside it, always taking into account not to intrude and interfere in the affairs of others and respecting the privacy of all individuals.
5-Putting nice and attractive perfumes:
and perfumes at the right times always give a touch of attractiveness and unique elegance, so you can focus on this simple thing to show the extent of elegance and attractiveness, and choose nice and soft perfumes that suit the personality and put them in moderation and not exaggerate the heavy smells; Because a few of them suffice and keep the person in an attractive state without being pretentious.
6-Stop stressing:
Just as smiling and being polite make you more attractive, showing signs of stress like bags under the eyes or dull skin will also make you less attractive. And not just because stress tends to reflect on our faces—somehow other people may feel it's part of a weakened immune system. According to a study conducted in Europe and South Africa, men with low cortisol levels and a strong immune system are considered more attractive by women. "It seems that women are able to identify men with the strongest immune response and find them the most attractive," Abertay University in Scotland told CNN. . Researchers believe that testosterone, which is associated with a stronger immune system and lower cortisol levels, also plays a role in attracting women.
7-Don't play hard to get:
Women may think they look more attractive if they let their partners guess how they really feel, and some research backs this up (a study in China found that playing hardball only keeps men interested after they've picked out a potential partner). But a recent study in Germany suggests that people are more likely to see others as attractive if they can easily understand the emotions they display. And it's because of the brain: how well study participants were able to decipher the "neural vocabulary" of others. "Partners need to understand and update information about their partner's current intentions and motivations, anticipate each other's behavior, and adjust their own behavior accordingly," study author Silk Anders, a neuroscientist at the University of Lübeck, told TIME. "Personal understanding and attractiveness appear to depend on both the sender's brain and the recipient's mind and their compatibility." The dating expert offers eight ways to meet and attract new people.
People are attracted to a person who is characterized by gentleness and softness; A person who has the ability to communicate with others without cruelty and kindness, and is characterized by his handling and speaking with flexibility, is an interesting person, as these are one of the most beautiful qualities to reach happiness, humanity, and attractiveness.
Many people aspire to reach high physical fitness, especially as it is a very effective element to show the extent of elegance and attractiveness, and also that physical fitness is not limited to skinny bodies or fat bodies, but belongs to anyone who cares about himself and his body to highlight his fitness, attractiveness, and elegance, as physical fitness is always Enhances self-confidence, which leads to increased elegance and attractiveness.
Smiling is a sincere, spontaneous smile that is not artificial, one of the most beautiful and sweetest traits that are lovable and attractive to many, because the smile reflects the feeling of happiness and joy without the need for affection, so the smile can be considered a very effective element to highlight the attractive side of the personality and the jokes, especially when entering the jokes and stories. It makes a person close to the hearts of many and attractive to the majority of people.
is considered exercise. Physical activities are among the healthy habits that maintain the elegance of the body and the attractiveness of the person, as a sport is an essential factor for self-improvement and access to the desired elegance and attractiveness, whether it is externally or by improving the internal mood, and physical activity in addition to giving attractiveness and elegance to prevent diseases and maintain Body health.
11-Groom Yourself:
It seems obvious: if you're looking for a partner, you better not look like a fool. Maybe "clean well", right? There are biological reasons for this. “Research shows that a lot of physical attraction centers around the most altered aspects of our self-presentation,” says psychologist Jeremy Nicholson, MSW, Ph.D., who writes for The Attraction Doctor blog in Psychology Today. "In particular, the most attractive physical traits fall into the 'self-care' category: things like a good hairstyle, clean hair, good quality clothing, good posture, and a healthy weight." We are more likely to look for a companion who is healthy and strong (we mean good genes) and at the same time has the ability to take care of future offspring, which is a testament to how well you take care of yourself. “These self-care features are attractive because they show how we manage our own health and well-being, demonstrating our potential value as partners and companions,” says Nicholson. Try these 15 ways to look great overnight.