More Than 10,5 million children Lost a Parent Or Caregiver Because Of Covid, Study Says

In a rare study published on the Jamaica network, he confirmed that the world suffers from a terrible number of orphans left behind by the Corona pandemic, as he indicated that for every two people who die from Coronavirus infection, a child becomes an orphan and faces evidence of the death of his parents or grandparents who cared for him. They stayed at their house.
To predict the number of Covid-19 orphans, the team, including researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control, the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank and University College London, used developed methods and validated years ago to estimate the number of children in the world. AIDS orphans
Last July, Martin and Trina, a couple from Savannah, Georgia, died of COVID-19 within hours, leaving their two young children unattended. “No one knows how to accept the pain of losing parents. According to Cornelius, a cousin of two children, the school where the two children are also has parents of students who died from Covid-19. Inquiry from the government, the government understands that this has happened again
study published on the Jamaica network
Using the WHO excess mortality (more conservative than our IHME and The Economist results), we estimate that 10,500,000 children have lost their parents or caregivers and that 7.5 million children had COVID-19-related orphans as of May 1, 2022.
This is in Africa (24.3% [95% CI], 19.3% -27.6%]) and Southeast Asia (40.6% [95% CI, 35.3%] 46.2%]), compared to the Americas (14.0% [95% CI, 12.6% -15.8%]), Eastern Mediterranean (14.6% [ 95% CI, 12.9% -16.2%]), Europe (4.7% [95% CI]). % CI, 4.4% -5.3%]) and the Western Pacific (1.8% [95% CI, 1.7% -1.9%]) through May 1, 2022 (Fig. A). Similarly, the difference in estimates is nationwide, with India (3,490,000 [95% CI, 2,430,000-4,730,000]), Indonesia (660,000 [95% CI, 390,000-1,020,000]) and Egypt (450,000 [95% CI, 390,000-1020,000]). CI, 360,000–360,000]), 540,000]), Nigeria (430,000 [95% CI, 40,000-900,000]) and Pakistan (410,000 [95% CI, 80,000-770,000]) as of May 1, 2022 (Fig. B).
Among the most affected WHO regions, the countries with the highest numbers of bereaved children in Southeast Asia included Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Nepal, and in Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The updated Orphan Calculator 6 provides these new figures for each country

Urgent care for orphans
COVID-19-related deaths have left an estimated 10.5 million children without parents and guardians. Billions of dollars are invested in preventing COVID-19-related deaths, while little is being done to care for the remaining children. But the billions of dollars spent supporting orphaned children with AIDS offer successful solutions that are ready to be replicated. Only 4 countries, Peru and the United States, have made national commitments to address the COVID-19-related orphanage. At the second global summit on COVID-19 (May 12, 2022), President Biden underlined the urgency of caring for millions of orphans. Emergency response to the pandemic can combine equitable immunizations with life-changing programs for bereaved children. A major limitation is that simulation estimates cannot measure the actual number of children affected by the death of a caregiver; Monitoring of a future outbreak should include such children. Given the size of the orphanage and its lifetime consequences, the inclusion of timely care for these children in each national pandemic response plan will help reduce the long-term negative impacts. Evidence highlights 3 key components:
(1) prevention of caregiver death by accelerating vaccination, control and treatment.
(2) preparing families to provide safe and thoughtful alternative care.
(3) protecting orphans through financial support, violence prevention, parental support and access to school.
Effective and thoughtful measures to protect children from the immediate and long-term effects of COVID-19 are an investment in the future and a public health imperative
Orphanhood could be more
Additionally, using estimates of the number of grandparents living with grandchildren and providing primary care for grandchildren, we have taken into account the death of one or both adoptive grandparents and in both case, we can obtain a country-specific rate.
Although the figure is high, it is still false as the study is largely based on reported deaths from the "Covid-19" pandemic, which may be well below the actual numbers, and suggests important research by many many institutions. It is true that we have used estimates as reliable as possible of the increase in deaths in the number of deaths where the reported deaths of "Covid-19" could amount to 10 million real deaths, but the estimates of the orphanages are lower than actual … and another problem is that the estimates are based on simplistic assumptions; For example, it did not take into account the relationship between low income and large families because it did not accurately account for important demographic and epidemiological trends, workers in essential service sectors and the poor of many countries are more vulnerable to Corona infection. The virus that causes the disease COVID-19 causes them to die at a faster rate than others, leaving more children behind.
and whatever the actual death toll, our study reveals the hidden pandemic that accompanies these numbers, Epidemics are growing so rapidly and at the same time that the number of children directly affected increases dramatically, the "Covid-19" infection can kill a person in days or weeks, leaving families insufficient time to prepare. the children.It is time to react quickly to a rumbling epidemic of orphans and the loss of health workers. It is time to urgently provide these children with the support they need to avoid institutionalization