The Top 10 Walking Habits That Slow Aging, Fitness Expert Reveals
Who among us has not dreamed of discovering the secret of youth? Scientists can now identify the path that is brisk walking. According to a study of 400,000 people in the UK, by participating in this activity our cells will stay younger for longer.
And the French newspaper "le parisien" published a report on a study by author Gill Lombart published in the journal Communications Biology, where researchers from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom think this exercise will give an individual. years Biologically less than 16 years
To arrive at this surprising conclusion, the scientists analyzed the genetic data of 405,981 Brits, as they specifically measured the so-called "telomeric" length of white blood cells, which are the ends of chromosomes and contain genes that protect other parts. , time-related damage.
As cells divide, these telomeres shorten until the cells lose their ability to reproduce. The accumulation of senescent cells in the body is thought to contribute to aging and related diseases, so telomere length is a marker of biological age.
For the first time, a study found a clear causal relationship between walking speed and white blood cell telomere length and therefore age; "Regardless of the total duration of exercise, the intensity at which intense walking is done can be important for health," said Paddy Dempsey, lead author of the study
1-Use the "speaking test":
try talking while walking to determine your optimal speed. You should feel an increased desire to breathe and speak, but you will not be able to speak because you are out of breath.
2-Try to walk on different paths:
Stay on a sidewalk with one foot higher than the other, as the sidewalks are not flat and have a slight slope that you cannot feel. To do this, be sure to diversify the walking methods you adopt. Explore the various trails nearby and experience not just straight ones but trails that curve slightly uphill. You can also climb stairs as part of your workout.

3-Get in good posture:
Sitting and lying in front of the TV for long periods of time can cause you to slouch and have poor posture. While walking, train yourself to straighten your back and take the correct position, “swallow” your stomach and keep your eyes straight ahead.
4-Walk several times a day:
Most of us struggle to spend an hour walking. It is, therefore, possible to divide the walking time into several short periods. Instead of walking for an hour four times a day, walk for a quarter of an hour. This will make it easier for you to limit those short intervals between your daily activities
5-Warming up is important:
Do a simple warm-up for a few minutes before walking, walk slowly for the first few minutes, and gradually increase your pace. It is also recommended to alternate between slow walking and jogging every one or two minutes to increase fat burning.
6-You lean too far forward or backward:
Forgetting to maintain good posture is not uncommon and can greatly affect our health, walking forward or backward puts pressure on the hips which can lead to long-term problems such as back and neck pain.
It is therefore recommended to walk straight with your shoulders relaxed and this will help align your body and not unnecessarily burden your hips and lower back.
7-Avoid the soles of your feet:
When we take a step, we need to roll our feet from heel to toe before we can lift them again, and if you are someone who treads on the ground or tends to walk with your feet, you can feel it. troubling results.
Walking with flat feet can cause pain in the hips, knees, and ankles as they absorb a lot of shock and weight, and walking on tiptoes can also cause tendon problems as they are constantly under pressure.

8-Don't shrug
Raising your shoulders when walking is a painful habit. Walking with your shoulders up and straight can cause neck and shoulder pain. Instead, try to relax your shoulders and bring them back.
9-Move your hands
When walking, it's important to use your arms, not just keep your balance; if you keep your arms at your sides without swinging, you may have problems with blood flow. So it's best to let your arms swing out to your sides at a pace that suits your trajectory.
10-Choose shoes
Shoes that are too stiff, too heavy, don't fit well or are more than a year old can have a negative impact on your health. If your shoes are stiff or heavy, they can cause muscle pain or strain and cause knee or foot problems

Walking according to these rules, according to the sports expert, prevents aging and this is not surprising given the modern lifestyles that force us to spend most of our time sitting, weakening the muscles and increasing the possibility of blood clots forming in the blood vessels that may spread through the bloodstream.
On the other hand, walking strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates blood circulation, promotes weight loss, and has other benefits. And no one who walks without rules will have a young body and without signs of aging