How to be beautiful and attractive without makeup
For a woman to be beautiful without makeup is not unattainable, in the beginning, who does not wish to be beautiful, it is everyone's dream, everyone is looking for natural beauty and nothing compares to natural beauty and brilliance of a woman.
If cosmetics have the advantage of hiding skin imperfections and improving its appearance, then natural skin without makeup remains the preferred look for women, and you must make sure, as beauticians say, that it is great to be able to go without makeup, in addition to applying and removing makeup continuously. It stresses your skin. There are many ways to look gorgeous and radiant to look beautiful without makeup, and we are going to give you some tips that may help you look absolutely beautiful without makeup.
Keep your skin clean and beautiful

The cleanliness of your face is the secret of its beauty. Washing the face twice a day is the main key. In order to look beautiful without makeup, spending time caring for your skin is better than spending it on makeup. You must first choose the appropriate lotion for your skin type. You can consult a doctor who specializes in this field, as some cleansers are full of chemicals that destroy the skin, which may help to age the skin, Experts advise to stay away from soap and use lotions or soap substitutes twice every day
get enough sleep
Eight hours of continuous sleep has the ability to keep your skin more youthful and keep you away from dark circles around the eyes. The first thing anyone notices is your eyes. You have to make sure to keep them looking great. Make sure you get a comfortable sleep at night. Sleep gives the skin time to treat itself, as well. You can use some masks that help relieve puffiness around the eyes, and you can find them in pharmacies and you can replace them with green tea compresses or some cucumber slices.
take care of your skin
Skincare begins with two steps, exfoliation, and moisturizing. Exfoliation of the skin once or twice a week works to get rid of dead cells of your skin and helps it to breathe and makes it fresh and radiant. Use a moisturizer after washing the face and do not apply moisturizer until after washing your face, otherwise, you will get clogged pores and blackheads, and you have to be careful Choose a good moisturizer suitable for your skin, and in order to ensure the best results, you must make sure to apply it at night before bed. Steaming the skin regularly is also a great way to reduce the appearance of blackheads and acne and is a great way to open and clear the skin's pores.
drink the water

You have to make sure that you drink enough water. You should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water has excellent effects on the skin. In addition to helping to purify the body, it works to combat dryness and roughness of the skin, helps in its flexibility, and gives it a shiny appearance. It delays the appearance of wrinkles and this is not available in any of the cosmetics, so you have to make drinking water a part of your daily routine.
eat healthy food
Skin is a reflection of your overall health. What you eat has a huge impact on your skin. You should follow a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits and reduce fast and ready-made foods.
hair care
Hair is a crown on a woman’s head. It is an epitome of women’s beauty. Brushing and taking care of your hair helps you look beautiful without make-up. You have to take care of it and treat its various problems. Washing hair twice a week is a very important step so that the hair does not look greasy or dirty. Using the right conditioner for your hair is very important; To maintain its luster and softness and protect it from splitting, flaking, and dehydration, which results in some problems such as dandruff.
keep the beautiful smile

One of the easiest things that maintain your attractiveness among people and your brilliance is your smile, it is very important to take care of the cleanliness and health of your teeth. Your lips are an integral part of your smile, so work on moisturizing them using some natural materials such as honey and sugar to exfoliate them and maintain their moisture, and you have to make sure that the most beautiful person is the one who is always smiling.

Exercising regularly is one of the most important ways to look beautiful without makeup. It also helps delay the appearance of signs of aging. It also works to maintain your physical fitness. So, dedicate an hour a day to walk in the fresh air or to exercise in the health club. Just movement makes you move blood in the body, and this helps your skin to look more beautiful.