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Why does sephora get us to pick samples?

 Why does Sephora get us to pick samples?

Why does sephora get us to pick samples?

The last orders you received from Sephora did not contain any samples.  Rather, it contains other options that are not similar to what you are asking for, why don't they stop working and stop offering options?

This happened to a lot the last few times they've ordered Sephora products they put random samples, not the ones they picked. I understand if they are out of stock, but this has happened so many times I feel like they pick and choose when to throw random samples as opposed to the ones that have been picked. Where it seems a bit strange that you ask for a sample and get the same.

Sephora Products I Didn't Order

Instead of getting a good perfume that you wanted for a while and learning its ingredients and how to put it together, you get another sample that may give you a headache (not a known brand), and maybe you will get a stupid moisturizer package that you don't want to test randomly on your face and what are the results on your face And the risks it may cause or even that you don't get the hydration I want. The truth is it's less than the best of the samples you need.

Is shopping and getting Sephora products ugly??

They need to figure out what's going on with their VIB and free sample programs. They need to broaden their samples- like "they give any hair care samples, but no fragrance samples" and then pick something so samples actually arrive.

Is this clever marketing for Sephora?

Why does sephora get us to pick samples?

But shoppers don't let you return opened products if you didn't get the right shade and stuff 😞


I think It's a marketing thing. Giving you the choice of samples lets you feel like you're getting good perks for shopping with them. You are more to look/feel more encouraged to shop if you're presented with a choice.

It's smart regardless of if they follow through with your choices or not, you've already purchased and to return items due to a sample not being what you picked is more of a hassle.

They are working on promoting new products on the one hand and testing them for the largest number of people. This will be more credible and more successful if the new sample is effective and gives impressive results. as such

in marketing. Not fulfilling customers' expectations is pretty bad marketing.

Contact Sephora and exchange products

I've contacted them about this when they haven't sent any samples and I get a non-committal "those samples weren't available". Oh, ok, then send me something else, maybe?! Sometimes they'll give me 50 points if I complain about it.

but it's too much effort to do that every time it happens.

You should reply to the email that said your shipment has been delivered. When I don't get the samples I picked I reply to that email and they give me 50 or 100 points so I don't mind too much.

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